Ergonomics Tip: What Office Equipment Will Make Me The Most Productivity?

As employees struggle to self-diagnose and troubleshoot the discomfort they have at work, many reach out to management with a request for equipment. Without proper training and diagnosis, this can be a waste of resources or escalate the problem.

Ergonomics Tip


Ergonomics Tip – Adjusting Your Chair For The Best Ergonomics

Check out this this quick Ergonomics video…


Ergonomics News – Are You Using Science Or Hunch For Employee Performance Evaluation?

By Rick Wertheimer, ErgoSquad President

People or workforce analytics involves using digital tools and data to measure, report, and understand employee performance. Previous efforts to make decisions about an employee base have been steeped in the idea of a “gut feeling.” It is easier to make better decisions with the advent of data analytics…

Ergonomics News



ErgoSquad defines, measures, analyzes, improves and controls human factors in your team’s work environment. With highly qualified ergonomists and the industry’s most sophisticated risk assessment software, our outcomes ensure increased comfort and productivity for employees.

The time and talent of your team is your company’s most crucial asset. With our “5 Steps To Ergonomic Management,” your company will optimize human resources in the work environment. This comprehensively improves the condition of employees, allowing them to thrive with enhanced safety and comfort…
